Promote your app

Nowadays, products and services are not just sold on features like quality and price. Marketing has become increasingly important and a number of new factors have come into play. This is particularly true for mobile apps where competition is constantly growing. Not only does your product need to be good, but you have to think of the best way to promote your app so users may reach it and actually decide to download it. So, how can you promote your app and make it easy to find for potential users? Today, we’ll look at some of the existing options.

How to promote your app in the app store

App Store Optimization (ASO)

App Store Optimization (ASO)

In a nutshell, ASO improves visibility for your app. This means users will find it more easily, which will, therefore, improve your chances of getting organic downloads. ASO is made up of several elements, such as your app’s icon, name, keywords, description, screenshots, and videos, all of which will help you attract potential users within the store. As a matter of fact, ASO drives most new app discoveries and can do a lot to increase your conversion rates. That said, you should keep in mind that it might take a while for you to get it just right, so be prepared to invest time and effort before you see results.

The first field to take into consideration is keywords; these are the words app store users will likely use to search for your app. They have to be relevant for your product and bring in enough search traffic. Once you have the right keywords, you will add them to different parts of your product page in the store. For Android, you’ll use them in the app name and short and long descriptions, and, for iOS, in the title and subtitle, and in the keyword field.

Other features, like your icon, app screenshots, and videos are also important. Your icon, along with the app’s name, is your first impression and needs to be simple enough for people to understand the purpose of your app. Screenshots and videos are next on the line and are the first tool you have to show potential users what your app does and how it works, so you should make each of them count.

In short, investing in ASO can go a long way, especially if you are short on marketing budget. Bear in mind that each store is different, so make sure you know the specifics of ASO for Android and iOS.

Featured apps

Featured apps

Another good way to promote your app is to have it featured in the App Store or Google Play, which grants you both recognition and added visibility. Let’s take a look at how you can get your boost in each of them.

  • App Store: your best bet to get featured in the App Store is to build an amazing app. That is, one that is error-free, up-to-date, and preferably native. It should also promote Apple, and make good use of ASO and marketing tools, therefore getting good ratings that can get people talking. App Store editors only write stories that feature apps they believe are worth the buzz; you can get more information on how to get there on Apple’s website.
  • Google Play: Google has three main featured apps lists. These are “Popular” (which includes top free, top paid, top grossing, and trending apps), “New” (which includes top new free and top new paid), and “Selected by Google Play team” (which includes featured, staff picks, editor’s choice, and top developer). That last category is the gateway to increase your downloads and reach the other two. The way to get there is pretty similar to the App Store: you need a great app. Google provides you with a few hints, but it is also wise to use Google tech, make your app Android friendly, localize it, and provide regional support.

Search ads/Google Ads

Search ads - Google Ads

Considering most app downloads happen through searches in the app stores, being at the top of the search is definitely a plus. That is why tools such as Search Ads and Google Ads (formerly, Google AdWords) are another one of the ways you can increase your exposure in the store. By using them, your ads appear whenever a user searches for a certain keyword. In return, you pay a set price (up to your budget) whenever you get a download. However, the key point here is relevance and not so much how much money you are willing to invest.

Apple offers you a Basic and an Advanced version depending on your goals and budget. You can target specific people considering demographic and locations and Apple also recommends keywords based on the metadata from your app. In the case of Google, you also have different options depending on your goals (more installs, more in-app action value, etc.) and, in addition to search results, your ad may appear in the related apps section and on the user’s homepage.

So, what’s the best option for you?

There is no best way to promote your app, and you should choose the one that best fits your situation. If you are just starting out and have a low budget but can put in the hours, ASO and featured apps are the most suitable ones for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for growth and have some funding, ads will be a better fit. Either way, rest assured you have options to grow and improve even if you have a large competitors list.